Biogas Pretreatment System
A system that removes hydrogen sulfide and siloxane in the gas through chemical reaction and adsorption of the desulfurization agent by passing biogas through a desulfurization tower filled with DeHyS, an iron hydroxide desulfurization agent.
Removal of Hydrogen sulfide and Siloxanes from biogas
Desulfurization agent in powder and pellet form for H2S and siloxane removal from biogas
Iron Hydroxide(Fe(OH)3)
2Fe(OH)3 + 3H2S → Fe2S3 + 6H2O
2FeOOH + 3H2S → Fe2S3 + 4H2O

Technical excellence
Removal of fine dust causing substances from biogas(i.e H2S & Siloxanes)
Removal 200 - 10,000 ppm H2S down to ultra low concentration in less than 0.5ppm
100% removal of 5 to 100 mg/m3min of siloxanes
No effect by moisture (High water resistance desulfurization agent)
Advantages in our technology
High ability of simultaneous removals for H2S and siloxanes
A Installation and maintenance cost is 30% economical more than before.
Reference sites
01 Hongcheon/Eco-friendly Energy Town (Manure, Wastewater)
02 Chungju/Food Waste Bio-Energy Center (Food waste)
03 Seoul/Tancheon Wastewater Recover Plant
04 Incheon/Metropolitan Landfill Site
05 Changwon/Changwon Food Waste Bio-Energy Center
06 Iksan/ Sewage Treatment Plant Biogas Ecuipment